Biography | Laura Palestini | Federal Liberal Candidate for LaSalle–Émard–Verdun


Laura Palestini is a city councillor and community champion who is ready to continue delivering for LaSalle–Émard–Verdun as the Team Trudeau candidate for this important by-election.

Laura is a life-long resident of LaSalle. She was elected to serve four terms on the LaSalle Borough Council, and now represents LaSalle on the Montréal City Council. In these roles, she has worked to build a stronger community and deliver for families by fighting for better public transit, more affordable housing, a cleaner and greener city, and a local economy that works for everyone.

Laura is also deeply involved in organizations across the community. She sits on the board of the LaSalle Hospital Foundation, the Henri-Lemieux Cultural and Community Center, and the Théâtre Desjardins, where she works with other leaders to grow a thriving community.

As the next Member of Parliament for LaSalle–Émard–Verdun, Laura will work tirelessly with the Liberal team to build more homes and protect renters, lower the cost of living, invest in stronger public health care, keep assault weapons off our streets, and ensure every generation has a fair chance at success.